Power Bank Mobility

Charge devices on the go

Rent a power bank and charge your phone anywhere, anytime. Fast, secure and easy – just follow 2 steps:
1. Scan the QR code on the station and sign transaction.
2. Power bank is released – charge your device(s).

Base concept

In today’s world, it’s almost impossible to go anywhere without your phone. We rely on our smart devices for so many things, from communication to entertainment, and it’s essential to keep them charged. With GoChargeTech app, we’re connecting users to a network of power bank sharing stations. Customers will be able to rent power banks and pay with crypto or fiat money.

Why blockchain?

In our business model, blockchain solves a few issues.

  1. First of all, it cuts the payment processor fees down to the equivalent of $0.01 – $0.001 per transaction. Here we can include MultiversX, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Solana etc.
  2. Blockchain transactions are immutable. This removes the payment-dispute case when a customer can ask for chargeback from the bank. It will cost more than the transaction itself. Imagine paying a $20 dispute fee for a transaction of $1.
  3. NFT as proof of ownership. Smart Contracts can handle transactions and automatically transfer the profit into a wallet that holds the NFT, return the deposit to the customer and so on.
Check out the WhitePaper.

Read the technical WhitePaper to find out more about problems we’re solving, our solutions, how franchise works and which category of users will be the first one to be able to connect Electric Vehicle chargers to our platform.

Join us on this exciting journey towards sustainability

Meet goCharge.tech – a startup that integrates blockchain and crypto payments at the core level of a traditional web2 business model based on hardware devices. Simply put – a mobile and web app that connects you to a network of power bank rental stations. Power banks are fully charged and ready to be used. Power bank comes with 3 integrated cables to be compatible with any device: usb-c, lightning and microUSB. 

Scan, Sign, Charge! As simple as that!

More than that, you can own power banks or stations via GoChargeTech franchise and earn passive income. An NFT is used as proof of power bank franchise ownership.


Two types of power bank franchise will be available in our ecosystem:

  1. For Individuals: can buy a battery and keep it in one of our stations. They will be able to borrow anytime, any battery, from any place and will pay only a small fee for charging the power bank (to the station owner). When someone else is using these power banks, all the profit will be transferred automatically to owner’s wallet. 
  2. Legal entities can buy stations with power banks that will be included in our app. These entities will pay a small fee for infrastructure (servers, support, maintenance), but all revenue from these power banks rentals will go into their accounts.

E.V. Charging Network

Like Airbnb, but for Electric Vehicle Chargers. Together we’re building the biggest, decentralised, global network of Electric Vehicle Chargers. Let’s go charge ⚡

Frequently Asked Questions

At GoChargeTech, we’re building infrastructure to connect Internet of Things to blockchain. Our platform is designed to provide 2 main functionalities:
  – Connect users to a network of power bank sharing stations.
  – Connect users to a decentralised network of Electric Vehicle chargers, owned by individuals or companies.

Our goal is to connect web2 traditional business model to web3 and bring benefits of the blockchain: cut the fees. Small fees result in the best price for you: every credit card transaction is charged by the payment processors. Comparing MultiversX fees and other traditional credit card payment processors for a number of 2000 transactions ($1 average tx amount) we will cut the costs with ~$200. Click here to open the calculator.

It depends on the type of the user. If a user has bought a power bank in our network, then it owns that power bank and will pay only for the energy that was consumed to charge the battery. If it’s a regular user, then a deposit will be held when the power bank is released from the station. The deposit works in the same manner as for hotel or rent a car deposit policy and will be returned to the customer once power bank is returned to any station.

At this moment we have few stations in Romania which are used for development and testing purpose. We aim to install the first batch of stations in Q3-Q4 of 2023. Our target is to install the first batch of stations in Amsterdam and then expand in major EU cities.

There are few revenue sources:
1. Power bank rentals.
2. Screen time to run commercials on the stations display.
3. Transaction fees from EV chargers that are included in our network.
4. Power bank franchise system.

We’ll implement 2 types of franchise:

  • individuals will be able to buy power banks and keep them in our network. They will be able to borrow any battery, any time, from any place and will pay only a small fee for charging the power bank (to the station owner). Power bank owners will receive a fee each time someone else is renting their batteries. For example: person A has a battery; person B rents the power bank owned by person A; person A receives a fee from person B’s payment.
  • Legal entities can buy stations with power banks that will be included in our app. These entities will pay a small fee for infrastructure (servers, support, maintenance), but all revenue from these power banks rentals will go into their accounts.